Thursday, May 19, 2011

My computer...

ugh! my computer almost crashed today. I thought I was having a good day today, I slept most of the day and found a stray cat near my apartment. then I go to my parents house for some internet time and first it started with the wireless capability which I never had a problem with, then it spread to my writing documents, one of my stories that I have been working on for a year now. and then it wont let me download open office which is a new and better version of the crappy windows writing software that came with it. Then to put the cherry on top I couldn’t get open my internet explorer! I just decided to save my story, the only thing I cared about on my computer on a disk and what do you know something turned out right! from now on I’m saving my stories on a disk and not on any stupid computer that I paid 400$ for. well. its time to go to bed hopefully tomorrow my computer will not make me cry again


Lady Angelo.